IQ Graduate Accountant Training
The graduate program is for those on the learning curve looking to boost their knowledge and skill set without the trial and error.

This package includes the following courses
IQ Graduate | Trust Fundamentals
Graduate IQ-9. The fundamental concepts and practical issues when dealing with trust clients.
IQ Graduate | Working with Investment Income
Graduate IQ-1. Where to start on the I return - working with investment income.
IQ Graduate | Rental Properties on the tax return
Graduate IQ-3. How to manage a rental property on a clients tax return.
IQ Graduate | Working with depreciation
Graduate IQ-7. Working with depreciation for business and non-business taxpayers.
IQ Graduate | Company Basics (+loss carry back)
Graduate IQ-8. The fundamentals of working with company clients.
IQ Graduate | Residency of Individuals
Graduate IQ-5. Identifying and working with residency of individuals.
IQ Graduate | Interest Expenses
Graduate IQ-4. The issues and problem areas that arise when clients incur interest expenses.
IQ Graduate | Work related expenses
Graduate IQ-2. What work related expenses are deductible for your client and how to manage them on the tax return.
IQ Graduate | Understanding the trial balance
Graduate IQ-6. Analyse and work through a sample trial balance
IQ Graduate Accountant Training
Tax & Accounting
15.75 hours | 101 modules
Investment per person: $ 1,600.00
CPD Hours: 15.75 hrs
Tax Accounting